Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Hello Mr Aaron.

First off, I want to say how much I’ve been loving Once Upon a Time at the End of the World. Now that we’ve reached the end of the book’s first arc, I’m very excited to see what will happen next as we see Maceo and Mezzy grow up and have their relationship tested against the backdrop of the wasteland.

Now, as for you’re question about looking for potential comic convention to attend, there’s a really cool con in July (specifically July 27-30) called GalaxyCon that’s held in Raleigh, North Carolina. If you can’t make it due to scheduling or travel reasons, I totally understand, but it would be lovely if you could make it.

Much love (and many words)


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Thanks, Owen. Will look into GalaxyCon.

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dear jason,

these words and pictures are beautiful.

can't wait for everything that is to come.

or CAN wait and WILL wait but excitedly.



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Thanks, Myq. Much appreciated.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

No copy needed sir, finding it is part of the fun. Thank you for responding.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Glad to about you venturing into the uncharted part of the map that reads: 'Here be monsters.' Both with your trip to ComicCon Prague and with your career -without- an exclusive contact. Bravo.

I'll likely be at ComicCon Prague as a journalist and know the city well (I lived there for about 10 years once upon a time). At any rate and with any luck, I'll get some time to sit down with you for an interview in the dark heart of Europe.



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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

I am a trade waiter (I’m sorry……), but I just read your Punisher run and I was blown away, so, so good - can’t wait to see what’s next!

I used to be really into wrestling when I was a kid because my uncle loved it. He passed away last year and I just decided to pick up Do a Powerbomb as a way to somehow process my grief. Daniel Warren Johnson kills it. I’m excited to hear that you’re also going to be doing more creator owned stuff - can’t wait to check it out.

Have you been to any of the Michigan cons? Motor City or Capital City? Would be amazing to have you come! Drink or food on me! 😉

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Many years ago I went to Cherry Capital Con and got to hang out with the late great Steve Dillon. That's my only Michigan con so far.

And thanks for reading! Glad you're liking Punisher. I've been super happy with how it's turned out. And I'm looking to do more work in the same vein, same tone and format.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Ahh can’t wait to read it all!

(And hope that I get to meet you at a con someday!)

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Can’t wait to hear what else you have in the works. I’m pushing Comicpalooza in Houston, TX. We’re no where near a Disney Park, but we have NASA Mission Control which is not a theme park, but still damn cool IMO.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I've never done a Texas con, so I should probably correct that.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Do a powerbomb is incredible, as a wrestling fan I, too, really enjoyed that book. Dark Ride has been superb, in my opinion. Kinda sad that you won't be doing a major ongoing. As I commented before, you made me a Thor fan, and made me love the Avengers again. That being said, as a fan, I'm beyond excited to see you get into more creator owned stuff. The Goddamed, Southern Bastards, and Once upon a time at the end of the world have been some of my favorite reads. So, to say I'm anticipating something mind blowing is an understatement. I genuinely cannot wait for the announcements.

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I'm not saying I'll never do another ongoing. Just want to take a break right now from doing another work-for-hire ongoing. And thanks for reading.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Also, its really small but if you came to Atlanta comic con, that be fucking sweet!

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I'd like to come to DragonCon sometime, but don't think I know about Atlanta Comic Con.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Hi Jason,

We'd love to have you at the Singapore Comic Con! It's an incredible mix of international and local creators, with an audience that genuinely appreciates having our favourites visit our shores.

If you're unsure about flying around the world for a con, I'm sure Kieron Gillen, James Tynion IV, Iván Brandon, Jock, CB Cebulski and heaps more creators will share with you their experiences here.

Also, we have fucking amazing food. And while we're nowhere near a Disney theme park, we have the wonderfully weird Haw Par Villa: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haw_Par_Villa

Fingers firmly crossed that you'll consider being a part of the Singapore Comic Con. And even if you don't, much love to you from this side of Midgard!

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Yeah, I'd love to come to Singapore Comic Con.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Good morning Mr. Aaron.

I would suggest MegaCon in Orlando, FL, it’s a big one, and would be perfect for you. However it starts today. So maybe next year.

My other suggestion would be to check out Baltimore Comic Con in September. It’s a small one but tends to be a favorite for other creators in the industry.

Those two are definitely on different ends of the spectrum for sure. Either way you can’t go wrong. Have a good weekend.

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Yeah, I've been to both those cons before and would be up for a return. I was invited to Baltimore for later this year but couldn't make the dates work.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

I don't know if you ever went but Lucca Comics and Games should be fun! Come to Italy, no disney parks, sadly but lots of other fun stuff.

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Been to Lucca once and loved it. Returning to Italy is definitely high on my list.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

funny thing: I, an Italian, never been to Lucca. But if you'll be there, I'll be there too.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Very excited to hear about your new projects. I would love to see you write Daredevil or Batman in some capacity, even if it’s just a one-shot or miniseries. And more Conan if possible.

And as for creator-owned, I can't fucking wait to see more crime stuff. Scalped is one of my favorite works of fiction in any medium. I think it's as good as Breaking Bad or The Wire and better than Deadwood.

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Thanks, and you'll definitely see me doing more crime comics.

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Hey Jason!

I’m from Argentina, and here the best comic con is call Crack Bang Boom, and it’s located in the city of Rosario.

Last year we had Geoff Johns, and previously Mark Miller. It’s a convention organiced by Eduardo Risso, and is it meant to be a comic festival, without barrears between the fans and the artist.

Unlikely we don’t have any Disney Park, but we have delicious asados, great soccer stadiums and the world cup 😉

If you are looking for some trip out of the usual ones, here in Argentina you would find very kind and passionates fans, and a huge comic party!

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Yeah, I've heard this con is amazing. Would love to come.

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Can’t wait to see what this newfound freedom has in store Jason! Curious … What’s your favorite ride/attraction at Disneyland???

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The Disneyland version of Pirates of the Caribbean is so great, so much longer than the Florida version, with so many extra touches. Also love the Indiana Jones ride. And eventhough the submarines are a pale shadow of their former selves, they still make me happy.

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Nice! When I went to Disney World last year I was underwhelmed by the Pirates rides, not sure what I expected haha

I hope someday I can make it out to California to do Disneyland. I’ll have to add those rides to the list!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Fan Expo in Toronto is in August. Toronto theme parks are terrible but the people are great. Also, you can eat poutine and it won’t even be freezing cold yet. Win-win.

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I've been to Fan Expo, but it's been years. And clearly you know that the way to my heart is through my stomach.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

LA Comic Con or Comic Con Resolution... both close to Disney ;) ... Love the work but I'm still missing Once Upon a Time #3... Thank you for the recommendations, like Do A Powerbomb, which gets me thinking are your not attending WrestleMania? Anyways, thank you for your time, Gio.

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No WrestleMania for me. Hope you can find that copy of issue #3. Sorry I don't have any to offer you.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jason Aaron

Any update on Southern Bastards? Murders not the same without a side of BBQ.

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Please stay tuned. And thank you all for your continued patience.

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