Stoked for Avengers and ONCE UPON A TIME AT THE END OF THE WORLD! Can't wait to hear more about your upcoming creator-owned projects!

As soon as we saw that Orb figure we immediately thought of you. haha He's gorgeous!

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Jason Aaron

I’ve said it on Twitter before but I absolutely adore your punisher run, I don’t want that or your Avengers to end. I know they have to but I’ve loved everything. Once upon a time at the end of the world has just been added to my subs, and any of your top secret projects will be too! Thank you for all the wonderful stories you’ve given me as a life long marvel fan but also hooking me for things like Men of Wraith and Sea of Stars

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Thanks so much, Andrew. I'm particularly proud of PUNISHER, so I appreciate the kind words and support. Thanks for reading.

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I have a feeling that the punisher might get the hardcover treatment by me as well as the singles. It’s just amazing and Ares is a favourite of mine too so it’s just perfection

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022Liked by Jason Aaron

On the realski, you ever think you'll do a DC book in the future? I don't know if Marvel basically has you for life or what but I could also see you writing a badass Superman.

Basically what I'm saying is, you're my favorite comics writer and my favorite characters that you haven't written yet are Batman, Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Superman and I would be so jacked to see you write any of those characters. Hope it happens one day. 🙏

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Thanks, Tyler, and yeah, I agree, I'd love to write all four of those characters. It's always just a matter of timing. As for where the timing is leading me at this moment in time... I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer to see.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Jason Aaron

I said I would love to see you write Daredevil and more noir/crime but even more than that I would really really really love to see you write Batman, the big enchilada.

Just start taking over all of Chip's projects, even his creator-owned stuff. He won't mind.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jason Aaron

I reeaally hope one of your new projects is Daredevil.

And I know this is a longshot but more Scalped or at least a new crime series of some kind would be amazing.

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There are no plans to ever do more Scalped. At one point a few years back, when Vertigo was still kicking, I briefly considered doing a flashback mini focusing on Dash's exploits before he returned home. But I can't say that's something I feel compelled to do right now. I do miss those characters, but I'm really happy with where we left them, so I think that's where they'll stay. But you will definitely see me do more crime comics.

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super exciting!

thanks for sharing all of this!

(gratitude haiku!)

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LOVED your Greece photos along the way and that name page is brilliant! I'm going to steal it.

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Steal away.

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