“Thor. Goddamn. This is gonna be fun.”
I wrote those words at the beginning of a comic script on April 24, 2012. Almost exactly ten years ago. Ten years since I turned in the finished script for THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #1. The first chapter in what would become a seven year, 101 issue run on the character.
And just today, as you’ve probably seen, we got this bit of business:
If you’ve read my THOR run, you might recognize a few of those moments. Like Falligar the Behemoth, ripped right from the pages of THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #3, with art by the great Esad Ribic and colors by Ive Svorcina.
And of course there’s a glimpse of a certain Goddess of Thunder, as previously brought to life in the MIGHTY THOR saga, most notably drawn by artist Russell Dauterman and colorist Matt Wilson. The Mighty Thor toys are already starting to hit store shelves and to fill up corners of my Presidential Library/guest bedroom.
And we haven’t even gotten the first official look at the movie version of Gorr the God Butcher yet. I’ve seen some concerns online about Gorr’s design, based off glimpses of the character’s action figure. As the guy who co-created him, along with Esad, I’ll just say that it wasn’t Gorr’s nose (or lack thereof) that made him the tragic and deeply disturbed God Butcher that he was. Trust in the face of Christian Bale. Need I remind you, it’s a pretty goddamn talented face.
Also there are flying goats in that trailer. And that alone ought to tell you that it’s gonna be a fun damn summer.
The Jason Aaron Omni-Lanche
If you haven’t read those THOR stories yet, you’re in luck, because the first hardcover Omnibus collection of my run either just hit stores or is just about to, I don’t know, shipping schedules are all a bit chaotic these days. But whenever THOR makes it to your local shop, that’ll make THREE new giant-sized hardcovers collecting my work that’ve been released in the last few weeks. It’s a veritable Omnibus avalanche! An Omni-Lanche!
Said Omni-Lanche consists of:
THOR BY JASON AARON Omnibus Volume 1, which collects the first 50 issues of my THOR run, from THOR: GOD OF THUNDER through THE MIGHTY THOR, featuring lots of gorgeous art by Esad and Russell. That’s 1200 total pages of God Butchering, God Bombing and “There must always be a Thor.”
DOCTOR STRANGE BY JASON AARON & CHRIS BACHALO Omnibus, collecting my entire run with the Sorcerer Supreme, most of it brought to life in the inimitable art style of the great Chris Bachalo.
Last but absolutely not least: the WAR OF THE REALMS Omnibus, clocking in at a car-battery-sized 1500 pages, collecting the entirety of the WAR OF THE REALMS event series by me, Russell and Matt, along with all of its various tie-ins.
Maybe, uh, this is why everybody’s running so low on paper lately. My bad.
Look for all of these lovely Omnies at your local comic book shop. You might wanna bring a car with good suspension.
The “New Comic” Section of the Newsletter
The last few weeks have brought new issues of both AVENGERS and AVENGERS FOREVER. I’m still completely in love with this cover for AVENGERS #54 by Javier Garrón. That word balloon really turned out beautifully. Give me more covers with word balloons, please.
And here are some of the second print variants we’ve been getting for AVENGERS FOREVER.

Thanks for checking out this fun new multiversal slam bang joy ride of a series. Pretty much every issue I’m getting to introduce new characters or bring back old favorites and tell some crazy new stories, all of them building to something rather big that kicks off later this year.
In the most recent issue, AVENGERS FOREVER #4, we got the return of the Goddesses of Thunder from my THOR run. King Thor’s granddaughters from the far distant future, caretakers of a reborn Midgard. I have no plans to bring back King Thor. As far as I’m concerned, the ending I gave him in KING THOR #4 was the last we’ll ever see of the old hammer-wielding, one-eyed bastard. But I’ve always wanted to do more stories with his granddaughters, Atli, Ellisiv and Frigg. So expect to see more of their drinking, smashing and goat riding as we go forward.
And here’s Aaron showing off his work on the cover for the upcoming AVENGERS FOREVER #7, the all-Steve chapter of our next arc, “The Pillars.”

Also be sure to check out the new AVENGERS FOREVER Infinity Comic, currently available exclusively on the Marvel Unlimited app. If you’re not familiar with Marvel’s Infinity Comics, they’re very much designed to be read on your mobile device, and artist Kev Walker and I both gave it our all to make the verticality of that format an effective part of the story. Hope you dig it. More info here.
This week, AVENGERS #55 hits stores with an issue that sees some big roster shake-ups, while showcasing some of my favorite Marvel villains: the Serpent Society. Art is by the amazing Javier Garrón, who brings so much joy and passion to this series, issue after issue. Truly. I’m absolutely loving his work.
Final Thoughts & Stuff (Just A Quickie)
—In terms of what else is coming, well, I just recently finished what’s probably the biggest, weightiest outline I’ve ever written, in all sorts of different ways. After I turned it in I had to sit and guzzle down a glass or two of wine. That’s how big it felt.
—Also, just a couple weeks ago, I finished writing the first issue of a brand new creator-owned series. So, you know, stay tuned and all and whatnot.
—On one last note, this weekend I’ll be making my first convention appearance in almost three years at KC’s Planet Comicon. I’ll send out a separate update about that later this week, as this one’s already running long. So how about we cut right to the part where I always say something like:
This has been Beard Missives, direct from the long-running, running-long face of Jason Aaron.
This week’s newsletter has been brought to you by Mini Cheese Sandwich Crackers from Aldi, Dulce de Leche pancake topping, Freddie Prinze Jr.’s “Wrestling with Freddie” podcast and Buick Tui Thai BBQ.
Thanks as always for reading. Stay worthy.
Jason Aaron
KC, April 18, 2022
Things To Come
As I mentioned before, shipping schedules are a moving target right now, giving the various print-related issues, so take these dates with the proverbial grain of salt.
AVENGERS #55 — April 20, 2022
PUNISHER #1 2nd printing — April 20, 2022
PUNISHER #2 — April 27, 2022
THOR BY JASON AARON Omnibus hardcover Vol. 1 — April 27, 2022
AVENGERS FOREVER #5 — May 4, 2022
AVENGERS FOREVER #4 2nd printing — May 4, 2022
JANE FOSTER: THE SAGA OF THE MIGHTY THOR trade paperback — May 4, 2022
THOR BY JASON AARON: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION Vol. 5 trade paperback — May 4, 2022
KING CONAN #4 — May 11, 2022
MARVEL-VERSE: JANE FOSTER, THE MIGHTY THOR trade paperback — May 11, 2022
STAR WARS BY JASON AARON Omnibus hardcover (New Printing) — May 11, 2022
AVENGERS #56 — May 25, 2022
PUNISHER #3 — May 25, 2022
AVENGERS FOREVER #6 — June 1, 2022
KING CONAN #5 — June 1, 2022
AVENGERS FOREVER Vol. 1 trade paperback — June 8, 2022
AVENGERS FOREVER #7 — June 15, 2022
AVENGERS #57 — June 29, 2022
THOR: THE SAGA OF GORR THE GOD BUTCHER trade paperback — June 29, 2022
JANE FOSTER: THE SAGA OF VALKYRIE trade paperback — June 29, 2022
Absolutely adore the love you're showing to Esad Ribic and Ive Svorcina. The work y'all did on Thor left me, pardon the play on words, thunderstruck.
My WoR Omni just shipped, waiting for Thor and Star Wars! Happy fan here. you sir are awesome🤘🏽